December 1, 2008

Hadiah Aisyah

Aisyah got number 2 in school, and has been pestering for a present a whole week... so, we decided to get her one...

She followed me to get the present... her eyes really lit up when she discovered what she was to get, hugged & kissed me n her dad and thanks many a time!

When we reached home, Baby was thrilled to bits when she saw what the box contained... n of course, they wanted to play with it immediately. We were already running late for Azwan's wedding, but, I complied and assembled the Kitchen/shop playhouse for them... here's how it looks... I'm sure they'll have endless fun with it...

Aren't they thrilled!

The view of them playing from the staircase

November 28, 2008

Baby's new teddy bear

Baby got a new bear, and she now lugs it to wherever she goes... TASKA, to bed, at the dining table, thank God she doesn't insist on taking bath with it! And... hopefully not to malls!
She calls it Bananas...
Here's Aisyah with her four-year old Noddy...
And my two angels with their cute teddys...

November 12, 2008

Tok Ami n Suhaila's birthday!

Last year, when my sister-in-law, Fuzah, was in the labour room, my brother, Fadhil, sent mommy an sms, saying "hope that we'll be able to celebrate birthdays on the same day next year"... his wish was granted, and today is Tok Ami's 63rd birthday n Suhaila's 1st!!!

There were near misses over the years... with Qaiyum, his birthday is just a day earlier than his Mak Ngah. In 2006, there's only 4 days separating Papa's n Nisa's and last year, Naufal was born on July 19, a day shy of Dhia's July 20, 06.

Hope to get a cake on the way home, and will try to get the help of my kiddos to decorate the cake. I've managed to buy some fresh cream and blueberry topping, and will try to make some frosting tonite... will post the photos later!


Ok, so... I bought the cake n cupcakes for RM13.90. Blueberries n fresh cream for RM8.40 (but I only used 1/3 of it). Then, the sugar carrot was for RM1.90. The butter cream was made from available ingredients at home... and other decors were also sourced from what was at home... I guess, the total amount was around RM20.

Here are the kids putting the final touches on the cakes...

Ta...da! Here's the cake....

Hm, looks quite nice n yummy in photos, isn't it? I hope that I'd be able to make better-looking cakes in the future!

November 6, 2008

Songs and children

My children love songs. This is mainly because I love singing rhymes to them since they were babies. Aisyah and Nisa, now in taska, seem to love singing even more with the singing sessions they have in school. Every other week, they would come home n sing new songs, some which are quite creative. Quite a number are translated from English songs, but they love them the same.

I also love to hear them singing, just like hubby. But my Papa seems to enjoy them the most. Almost everyday, he would try to coax the girls to sing for him. Most times, they would oblige, making their Tok Wan happy in the process.

Well, maybe, that's what makes me able to create a couple of songs for them. In fact, there were 2 or 3 more that I've forgotten, as they were mainly created from out of the blue, at the spur of the moment inspirations.

One of the songs I composed for my darling chids:

Tidur, tidur, sayang mummy,
Tidur nyenyak sampai pagi,
Bintang berkelip di angkasa,
Awan berarak merata-rata
Buah hati Mummy tidur lena...

Another of their favourite:

Satu ibu itik, jalan masuk kampung
Tiga anak itik mengekor di belakang
Bila ibu pusing, semua sudah hilang
Quek, quek, quek, mana anakku sayang

Ibu itik lari,
Cari sana sini
Quek, quek, quek,
Mana anakku pergi
Quek, quek, quek,
Mana hendakku cari

Quek, quek, uek,
Ibu mari ke mari
Quek, quek, quek,
Kami ada di sini

Ibu itik kini
Sudah senang hati
Anak yang dicari
Sudah ditemui

Quek, quek, quek,
Ke mana kamu pergi
Quek, quek, quek,
Buat ibu susah hati

Quek, quek, quek,
Ibu maafkan kami,
Quek, quek, quek,
Kami pergi mandi

Ibu itik kata jangan buat lagi
Anak itik jawab, ibu kami janji
Quek, quek, quek, semua senang hati
Quek, quek, quek, jom kita pergi mandi...

My footie-mad-everything-Arsenal Boy

Ayum got number 9 in school, and he was hoping that he'd get a present on Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan. Not as good as last year's no 4, but definitely much better than last term's no 17!

Mana taknya, a few days b4 his exam, I did a lot of exercises with him. He had problems with Science, and, true enough, he only got a B- 70 marks for it. have to work harder with him there. Alhamdulillah, he finally managed to grasp the concepts of pecahan & peratus... pening ajar dia! So, the rest, he got 80 for Maths, 84 for English, 80 for Pemahaman, 75 for Penulisan.

However, today, he's so elated to go to school - he's wearing an Arsenal (which I refer to as Ar-sengal these days) jersey to school - with his name and (kebetulan!) no 9 emblazoned at the back. He had it sent to a PKNS sports store which set him back (and us) RM25. Went with his Acu last Sunday, before knowing his result. He sure's gonna get some ribbing from his friends today at school.

Anyway, this is his last few months of savoring football, for starting next year, there's gonna be a strict ban on his TV viewing. He's such a passionate follower, he knows all the players in EPL, I sometimes wonder how he has the knack to know them all, but finds it difficult to study! Gosh, I'm looking ahead to trying times of finding ways to control his footie-addiction next year. Hope I'd be able to keep a level head when dealing with him!

* Update - Ayum gets his wish - he will get to go onstage next Thursday for getting no 9

October 31, 2008

Result Ayum

Yesterday, Ayum came home announcing that he got 78 for BM Pemahaman and BM Penulisan. Upon checking, his Penulisan was actually 75. Anyway, he has improved quite a lot compared to the mid-year exam. However, his 70 marks for Science still need some improvement, but he has done quite well with his Maths, cukup2 makan at 80- & the only A so far!

I've checked his Maths paper as well, and there are quite a few careless mistakes that I'm not happy with. Hope that he'll get an A for English. All in all, we need to work harder on his Maths, Science n penulisan subjects.

On the other hand, we got news last night that Im got 92 for his Bahasa Arab, the highest in his year!!! Mummy was elated, for we are kinda bit concerned with his progress all these while.

October 24, 2008

Of birthdays n baby Nisa

Kami balik ke Jasin untuk sambutan Aidilfitri pada hari Sabtu 27 Sept (my birthday). We started around 8.30, and reached the good old town around 11am. No jam, it was quite a pleasant journey.

In the evening, hubby came back n presented me with a sweet, pink cake. Very nice, but too sad, I accidentally deleted the pictures from my digicam. Well, that's another year to me... just 1 year shy of the big 4-0!

Anyway, what I wanna relate here is what happended to baby Nisa that nite. Right after turning off the light, she scrambled up to me - and in the process, she fell n hit the bed- voila, the dad felt some sticky thing n told me to switch on the light. Lo n behold, her nose was bleeding.

Apa lagi, kelam kabut sarung balik baju, pergi hospital Jasin...

This is how she looks the day after the incident...

At the hospital, while being attended to by the dresser, she screamed for her Tok Mi. "Atit, atit, atit..." Kesiannya... Nasib baik luka tak dalam, tak perlu jahit, cuma letak gam aje...well, my angel might be scarred for life, but she's ours to love still - that's a big relief!!!

And we're also thankful to the staff on duty that 11pm at Hospital Jasin. They were quick to respond to Nisa, very kind, and caring as well. Best of all, no charges!!! Terima kasih!!!

So, baby Nisa beraya dengan kesan luka kat hidung... (penat juga nak kena explain)

September 26, 2008

Abang puasa

Alhamdulillah, so far, abang belum tinggal sehari pun puasa... walaupun banyak 'cubaan' untuk berbuka awal, tapi sebab dia duduk rumah dengan Tok Wan & Tok Mi, cubaan2 tersebut berjaya 'dipatahkan'. His pleas fell on deaf ears..

So far, baru dapat buat dua jenis kuih - tart nenas & choc chip. Dua2 laku, sedap...

Semalam berbuka ala kadar aje... ada roti bom, cicah dengan kari hari sebelumnya, dan lauk ikan asam tumis. Hari sebelumnya, canggih - Mum was extra ambitious, ada ikan terubuk bakar, kari ayam (Ayum tak suka ikan!), & mi kari... kuih lagi... hm... punyalah kenyang!!!

Today will be the last day puasa di Shah Alam. Pagi2 esok, InsyaAllah, kami akan bertolak balik ke Melaka...

September 25, 2008

My babies are 'pelat'

Hm, this is really one area where most Malays are stumped over- how come many Malay babies are afflicted with this phenomena? Just like 'latah', it is something that exists in the Malay community. Banyak pendapat mengatakan, antara sebab pelat ialah kerana cara ibu-bapa bercakap dengan anak2. If this is the 'cause' then in the case of Ayum, my firstborn, I truly place the blame on my hubby.

Dia kalau timang anak memang ada 'bahasa' tersendiri - stuff like, 'denapa anak papa dedawa?' kenapa anak papa ketawa)- can u believe that? Hm, but when it came to Aisyah, I told him not to do it. Kalau dia buat belakang I tu tak taulah, tp... dia pun pelat! And now, baby, but she's not as bad as the other two, a lot of 'improvement', in fact...

Masa Ayum kecil, I selalu ada problem nak faham dia. But the dad, the 'root of the cause', faham aje! Some of his 'famous' words are cocodak (koko krunch), piate (badminton), toyotak (Robocop), and timo (Chipsmore). The word atuk has many meanings - batuk, masuk, ketuk, mengantuk, and of course, Atok! The same as atak - it stands for kakak, katak, masak, kotak, letak, gosh!!! Pening tak kepala?

With Aisyah, hm, mmg banyak sangat antics nye... especially bila dia menyanyi..
Telamat padi, telamat padi, dulutu,
Telamat padi, telamat padi, tawantu...
Tami datang te tetolah untuk menimba imu
Tami uncap telamat padi bila tita betemu..
Dud moning, dud morning to teacher,
Dud morning, dud morning to ma plen...
We wish you tudeder...


And now, Nisa..bila nyanyi lagu itik...
Tatu ibu itik, jalan matuk tapung,
Dua anak itik kekekor ke akang
Bila ibu puting, tatu tudah ilang,
Quek, quek, quek, mana anaktu tayang...

Belum lg mention perangai! But my kids are all talkative. Aisyah tak usah cakaplah, memang drama queen. Semalam, Nisa cakap, "tak boleh nangis, nanti dum dum datang, (mercun), pecah tingkap. nanti aircond rosak!" She was merely repeating what I told her, tapi dia punya cara cakap tu, mmglah kalah kak nam! 2 mlm lepas,masa nampak cicak, dia mengadu pada Tok Wan dia, "baby matuk bilik air tadi, tiba-tiba nampak cicak!"
Kancil kan?

Abang hilang pelat masa 5 years, sebab masa masuk Tadika Pasti I ingat memang dia masih pelat... Aisyah pulak, masa 4++. In fact, baru 3 months ago hilang pelatnya. Nak tengok bila baby hilang pelat. But hers is not much of a problem, boleh faham... yg problem sekarang cuma s, g n f, r, s & z. Tapi tulah, mana tumpah kuah kalau tak ke nasi, kan? My "copyright" words include wah pecang, ahcicang, pahcicang, unipongciti, cacing, & catang! What the heck are they? Ha, ha, go figure!!!

September 22, 2008

Baby went missing for 3mins

It was deja vu, of merely 2 months back when Ayum went 'missing' from his sekolah agama.

I think it was only a minute of me trying to take a closer look at some tudungs that I glanced at Ayum and saw that Nisa was no longer with him. She insisted earlier that she waned to hold her brother's hand, so I held Aisyah n Ayum held her.

"Abang, mana baby?" Blank look. "Baby, mana baby?" he panicked. Ran the other direction, and came back. No baby. Aisyah started wailing. I started shouting to everyone within earshot, "anak saya hilang!" "berapa tahun?" "2 tahun!" The boy manning the stall rushed about as well, shouting to people that a girl was missing. "Pakai baju apa?" "Skirt, baju biru, ya Allah, baby!" Then someone said, "Dia ke sana tadi!" we rushed over, and saw my darling girl crying with one good Samaritan holding her still. She must have gone that way to look for me. I hugged her tight, Alhamdulillah... I only thought the worst had happened, that I would not see her ever again... Afterwards, Ayum kept blaming himself for what happened. I told him to be more responsible in the future. A few kind strangers comforted me, I really am thankful to them.

At home, I related the event to my mom, bro, Aduk n his wife what happened, everyone was stricken, we dare not tell my dad what took place, especially since he had earlier objected to me taking them all. When I called my hubby, he was speechless.

I am glad that no harm came to her. Syukur, and I hope that nothing untoward would happen to my babies...

September 5, 2008

Chicken pox strikes!

It started with baby - she got it last Wednesday. And, yesterday, I got it myself...
Kesian dia bergaru... Even gave me a scare when she appeared to have taken a 'sip' of the pink calemine lotion... silly mummy!

August 22, 2008

baby comel

She's often up to something... if she's quiet, we have to check her out quickly, as she'd ususally be up to no good - like smearing my lipstick all over her face, or pouring shampoo on her curly hair, or putting powder all over her body, or even playing with one of Tok Mi or Tok Wan's ointments... We love you much!

Secret of life

This is from a forwarded email I got from Sharmini in Melaka.
I love you too, Mini!

The secret of life is to make
the best of whatever comes along,
Make every day fresh and new,
Go in search of knowledge and experience.
Let your questions and your answers reconcile.
Do your best to remember that
the best kind of learning curve is an educated smile.

Share your magic with the people who share your memories.
Let your feelings run deep.
Be in touch with the people who live in your heart.
Be a caring person who plays for keeps.
To really know what success means, earn it.

Don't rely on some elevator to get you there.
The higher the floor you want to reach,
the more important it is to take the stairs.
The easiest lessons to remember are
the ones you learn the hard way!
Appreciate the little things
that make each day unique and special.

August 21, 2008

BBQ Land, Kuang

We went for an informal dinner, held in conjunction with my graduating Aviation students. Ayum n Sya thoroughly enjoyed it! Had to leave baby behind, though... sorry darling, next time, k?

August 15, 2008

My new gadget

Today, ADTEC plays host to the Expo Kemahiran & Anugerah MySkill, which will be officiated in 1 1/2 hours' time. Hopefully Pak Lah will turn up.

So, that explains my busy-bee worklife this last week. I think, this week alone, I walked some 5-8kms a day. Not as busy as my bosses, though, and other AJKs, but... enough for me to shed 1kg these past 3 days.

I'll put up the pictures in the other blog, though. By the way, I got a new babe - an Acer Aspire 475Z which I bought at a cool RM2020. Bought at SACC, with the aid of my darling bro Aduk, who was kind enough to cater to my whims & fancy, flitting from one shop to another.

And since then, my kids could think of nothing but their mom's latest 'toy'. They love the webcam, and i've taken loads of their pictures. Will post them up soon. Tomorrow nitght, hopefully.

Yesterday morn, managed to show mum how to navigate the net, but she somehow forgot how to. Then, last nite, I managed to tempt dad with some sneaks at a few blogs- he had laughs over TheScribe & Niamah, and even Ancient Mariner's. Even managed to peep at Anwar's and Harakah's sites.

Well, I think, I'd better set a blog just for him!

Ok, time to hit work again - someone had switched on the aircond... gosh, it's only 2.10!!!

August 1, 2008

July 31, 2008

Mummy's angel

Baby Qaisarah Hanisah is now 2 years and 4 months old. Hm, I had to be hospitalized 4 times before I was deemed ready to be induced. I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes, I was even given jabs (twice) in the 34th and 36th week to prevent premature delivery. And then, kena 'bentan' pulak masa jaga dia demam kuning... Early this year, we had another scare when she suffered fits... We love you to bits, angel!!!

Papa's princess

Aisyah was born on October 9, 2003. After an early miscarriage scare, I went through a 9-month upheaval when I was expecting her. After 3 nites of labour pain (which Dr. Vishnu didn't believe in the first place - and then, he just couldn't wait to induce me!), and almost 11 hours of intense pain, this now-bubbly, self-righteous lady kicked her way into the world!

Ayum and my Papa

On 17 July, my one and only son, Ezal Abdul Qaiyum, made a 'disappearing act'. The lady who drove him to n fro school could not find him at his school, so she left, thinking that I might have picked him up. At home, when she asked my parents, of course, my dad panicked as he hasn't reached home then. It was already 7p.m. My dad called me, who was in Prof Haz's class at UiTM.
Ya Allah, the moment I heard my dad asking me, "Along, mana Ayum tak balik lagi ni?", I almost dropped the phone in my hand. It was already 7.15 when I started the car. I reached his school in no time, and met my dad there. I immediately asked a few boys if they had seen any boy in the vicinity earlier, and... the good boys promptly moved to help when I told them my son might be missing. 2 minutes later, my phone rang. My Ayum told me he was home. Gosh, I was relieved, but at the same time mad for what he did. Well, when I reached home, dad was 'wobbly' with worry, being frail with his history of stroke and heart problems. Of course, he received our nags and scoldings, but nothing prepared me for what was about to happen the next day.
I was at work, when Aduk, my youngest bro called - Papa was at PPUM with a stroke. I rushed about, punched out, and reached PPUM in no time. Don't know how fast I drove, but with the guilt of what caused it - if anything happened to him, it's due to my son...Gosh... how is he supposed to live with it?
Alhamdulillah, my feisty Papa survived, but the ordeal all of us went through really made me realise how much my family mean to me...

April 1, 2008

Hidup ini satu anugerah...

My first posting... welcome to me! These days, I guess, with cyberage, instead of having diaries, this is where people now pen down their daily thots. Ok, about life - hidup ini satu anugerah - kenapa? Biasalah insan, sentiasa mengambil mudah tentang hidup. Bila kehilangan seseorang, atau sesuatu berlaku, barulah kita akan hargai orang atau benda yang selama ni kita 'take for granted'.

Sabtu lepas, anak buah saya, Dhia, demam panas hingga menyebabkan sawan. Dua minggu sebelumnya, pada malam pilihanraya, sewaktu kami adik-beradik sedang sibuk berbalas sms berkongsi keputusan, tiba2 Aduk hilang dari 'radar'. Rupa-rupanya, dia sedang mengejarkan anaknya ke hospital. Saya orang pertama diberitahu keesokan paginya. Saya berperang dengan perasaan samada mahu memberitahu emak& ayah saya, kerana keadaan kesihatan ayah saya yang kurang baik. Saya memberitahu emak dahulu, dan kemudian baru memberitahu ayah sebaik mungkin. Alhamdulillah, dia dapat menerima, dan mereka segera berkemas untuk ke Hospital Serdang.

Itu mengingatkan saya pada apa yang berlaku pada anak bongsu saya, Qaisarah Hanisah, pada 31 Januari yang lepas. Dia mengalami keadaan yang sama - saya baru pulang dari kuliah, dan terus makan dahulu. Jam 10, saya dengar dia merengek dengan neneknya, dan saya naik. Badannya agak panas. Tapi kerana dia baru diberi ubat, saya cuma mengelapnya dengan tuala basah, dan kemudian membawanya masuk tidur. Anak manja saya itu meminta susu badan, dan saya memberinya. Kemudian, dalam pukul 11, saya terasa giginya sedikit bergetar. Saya bangun, dan memangkunya. Dia kelihatan diam. Sewaktu mahu meletakkannya kembali ke tilam, tiba2 dia menggigil. Terperanjat, saya terus membawanya keluar. Baby sudah seakan menggelupur, dan saya terus membawanya kepada ayah saya di biliknya, dan dalam keadaan panik, saya, ayah saya & dan emak menjerit sesama sendiri. Dalam keadaan menggigil, kunci terlepas dari tangan saya. Akhirnya saya berjaya membuka pintu & pagar. Our next-door neighbour, kak Lina, abg Farid n their two kids rushed outside when they heard the commotion. I jumped into the car, followed by my dad, n rushed to the hospital.

The attending doc took over, but my precious baby was not responding to anything, until the time they drew some blood sample from her. The moment I heard her saying "nanak", my heart soared - that definitely was the most beautiful sound I ever heard in my whole life - of course, right after the first cries my babies made...

Alhamdulillah, my baby is now safe & healthy, and I hope Dhia will be bouncing back in no time... Well, life is definitely precious and a gift from Allah yang Maha Esa...