August 22, 2008

baby comel

She's often up to something... if she's quiet, we have to check her out quickly, as she'd ususally be up to no good - like smearing my lipstick all over her face, or pouring shampoo on her curly hair, or putting powder all over her body, or even playing with one of Tok Mi or Tok Wan's ointments... We love you much!

Secret of life

This is from a forwarded email I got from Sharmini in Melaka.
I love you too, Mini!

The secret of life is to make
the best of whatever comes along,
Make every day fresh and new,
Go in search of knowledge and experience.
Let your questions and your answers reconcile.
Do your best to remember that
the best kind of learning curve is an educated smile.

Share your magic with the people who share your memories.
Let your feelings run deep.
Be in touch with the people who live in your heart.
Be a caring person who plays for keeps.
To really know what success means, earn it.

Don't rely on some elevator to get you there.
The higher the floor you want to reach,
the more important it is to take the stairs.
The easiest lessons to remember are
the ones you learn the hard way!
Appreciate the little things
that make each day unique and special.

August 21, 2008

BBQ Land, Kuang

We went for an informal dinner, held in conjunction with my graduating Aviation students. Ayum n Sya thoroughly enjoyed it! Had to leave baby behind, though... sorry darling, next time, k?

August 15, 2008

My new gadget

Today, ADTEC plays host to the Expo Kemahiran & Anugerah MySkill, which will be officiated in 1 1/2 hours' time. Hopefully Pak Lah will turn up.

So, that explains my busy-bee worklife this last week. I think, this week alone, I walked some 5-8kms a day. Not as busy as my bosses, though, and other AJKs, but... enough for me to shed 1kg these past 3 days.

I'll put up the pictures in the other blog, though. By the way, I got a new babe - an Acer Aspire 475Z which I bought at a cool RM2020. Bought at SACC, with the aid of my darling bro Aduk, who was kind enough to cater to my whims & fancy, flitting from one shop to another.

And since then, my kids could think of nothing but their mom's latest 'toy'. They love the webcam, and i've taken loads of their pictures. Will post them up soon. Tomorrow nitght, hopefully.

Yesterday morn, managed to show mum how to navigate the net, but she somehow forgot how to. Then, last nite, I managed to tempt dad with some sneaks at a few blogs- he had laughs over TheScribe & Niamah, and even Ancient Mariner's. Even managed to peep at Anwar's and Harakah's sites.

Well, I think, I'd better set a blog just for him!

Ok, time to hit work again - someone had switched on the aircond... gosh, it's only 2.10!!!

August 1, 2008