March 5, 2009

The day Papa said sorry...

On 24 Jan, I got a huge scare... Mummy had a stroke... her right arm suddenly went numb. I was upstairs, & I was called down by my Ma & Pa... so I went to the first... On my way down, I could see my dad shaking mummy's right arm vigorously. At the same time, I could hear her egging papa n Ayum, "picit, picit". I could not still comprehend what I was seeing, and asked, "kenapa ni?" Mummy answered, "kena stroke! picit le!" In a daze, for it was an alien thing to me - I was used to seeing Papa like that, but not Mom! So I took her hand. As soon as I did that, I let go her arm - "Nak picit buat apa? Pergi hospitallah!" Luckily, my brain snapped into action.

And I shooed Papa upstairs to get dress. I got dressed. Then raided the closet for Mummy's baju. Rushed down again. Got Ayum to find her undies. Aisyah grabbed her tudung. While dressing her, my sweet baby, the innocent one, played with mummy's nenen, all the time saying, "tetek, tetek"...

Once dressed, we rushed to the car. Aisyah wore a pair of her old slippers. And of all the things, she sommented, can you believe it? I snapped, and told her not to bother, just make it to the car!

In the car, she insisted that I drive all the way to PPUM. The stubborn straek in me emerged, and I said no, "I'm stopping at DEMC". Still she persisted... "If you're worried about the money, I'll pay!"

Alhamdulillah I did it, cos, her BP was already 210/170. I shudder to think what might have happened if we didn't stop at DEMC that day...

Then, after all the harrowing events had folded, the boys had gone home (Aduk n Boy), on wednesday, they got home. And, papa got mad at me. Over what? Over a stupid, tiny sink drainer.

He yelled at me, saying I was stupid over n over for not placing it in its place. I gave my reason, but still, he said it was stupid. I got mad, (well, I was tired over his rantings in the past few days - that's another story alltogether) and asked him point blank - "Why are so mad at me over a stupid sink drainer? What's wrong with you?" he shot sthg back, and i shouted to Mummy, who was then trying to tell us to calm down, "Look at him, Ma, pasal sink tu pun nak marah orang macam apa...What's more important here, the sink or me?" And to him, "I'm sick n tired of being treated like a young kid!" That somehow effectively shut him up. He took mummy upstairs.

And of course I cried. Buckets! five minutes later, while I was busy attacking the plates in the sink, he grabbed me from behind, kissed me, and told me, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for whatever it is"...

Gosh, I cried even harder.. all the pent-up emotion over the past few days that had been welling inside me broke like a dam... I love both of them no matter what. But somehow their crankiness, esp over trivial issues do drive me up the wall at times. That was the final straw, I guess. But anyway, I'm glad I stood up to him, cos at least he is now less cranky, and he watches he tempers a bit.

In June, they're planning to perform the umrah... I really hope nothing untoward would happen, n that They would make it there, n come home safely...

Aisyah's first day at little caliph

I should have put this up months ago, but I just forgot to do so... Okay, there are pictures and videos...