September 26, 2008

Abang puasa

Alhamdulillah, so far, abang belum tinggal sehari pun puasa... walaupun banyak 'cubaan' untuk berbuka awal, tapi sebab dia duduk rumah dengan Tok Wan & Tok Mi, cubaan2 tersebut berjaya 'dipatahkan'. His pleas fell on deaf ears..

So far, baru dapat buat dua jenis kuih - tart nenas & choc chip. Dua2 laku, sedap...

Semalam berbuka ala kadar aje... ada roti bom, cicah dengan kari hari sebelumnya, dan lauk ikan asam tumis. Hari sebelumnya, canggih - Mum was extra ambitious, ada ikan terubuk bakar, kari ayam (Ayum tak suka ikan!), & mi kari... kuih lagi... hm... punyalah kenyang!!!

Today will be the last day puasa di Shah Alam. Pagi2 esok, InsyaAllah, kami akan bertolak balik ke Melaka...

September 25, 2008

My babies are 'pelat'

Hm, this is really one area where most Malays are stumped over- how come many Malay babies are afflicted with this phenomena? Just like 'latah', it is something that exists in the Malay community. Banyak pendapat mengatakan, antara sebab pelat ialah kerana cara ibu-bapa bercakap dengan anak2. If this is the 'cause' then in the case of Ayum, my firstborn, I truly place the blame on my hubby.

Dia kalau timang anak memang ada 'bahasa' tersendiri - stuff like, 'denapa anak papa dedawa?' kenapa anak papa ketawa)- can u believe that? Hm, but when it came to Aisyah, I told him not to do it. Kalau dia buat belakang I tu tak taulah, tp... dia pun pelat! And now, baby, but she's not as bad as the other two, a lot of 'improvement', in fact...

Masa Ayum kecil, I selalu ada problem nak faham dia. But the dad, the 'root of the cause', faham aje! Some of his 'famous' words are cocodak (koko krunch), piate (badminton), toyotak (Robocop), and timo (Chipsmore). The word atuk has many meanings - batuk, masuk, ketuk, mengantuk, and of course, Atok! The same as atak - it stands for kakak, katak, masak, kotak, letak, gosh!!! Pening tak kepala?

With Aisyah, hm, mmg banyak sangat antics nye... especially bila dia menyanyi..
Telamat padi, telamat padi, dulutu,
Telamat padi, telamat padi, tawantu...
Tami datang te tetolah untuk menimba imu
Tami uncap telamat padi bila tita betemu..
Dud moning, dud morning to teacher,
Dud morning, dud morning to ma plen...
We wish you tudeder...


And now, Nisa..bila nyanyi lagu itik...
Tatu ibu itik, jalan matuk tapung,
Dua anak itik kekekor ke akang
Bila ibu puting, tatu tudah ilang,
Quek, quek, quek, mana anaktu tayang...

Belum lg mention perangai! But my kids are all talkative. Aisyah tak usah cakaplah, memang drama queen. Semalam, Nisa cakap, "tak boleh nangis, nanti dum dum datang, (mercun), pecah tingkap. nanti aircond rosak!" She was merely repeating what I told her, tapi dia punya cara cakap tu, mmglah kalah kak nam! 2 mlm lepas,masa nampak cicak, dia mengadu pada Tok Wan dia, "baby matuk bilik air tadi, tiba-tiba nampak cicak!"
Kancil kan?

Abang hilang pelat masa 5 years, sebab masa masuk Tadika Pasti I ingat memang dia masih pelat... Aisyah pulak, masa 4++. In fact, baru 3 months ago hilang pelatnya. Nak tengok bila baby hilang pelat. But hers is not much of a problem, boleh faham... yg problem sekarang cuma s, g n f, r, s & z. Tapi tulah, mana tumpah kuah kalau tak ke nasi, kan? My "copyright" words include wah pecang, ahcicang, pahcicang, unipongciti, cacing, & catang! What the heck are they? Ha, ha, go figure!!!

September 22, 2008

Baby went missing for 3mins

It was deja vu, of merely 2 months back when Ayum went 'missing' from his sekolah agama.

I think it was only a minute of me trying to take a closer look at some tudungs that I glanced at Ayum and saw that Nisa was no longer with him. She insisted earlier that she waned to hold her brother's hand, so I held Aisyah n Ayum held her.

"Abang, mana baby?" Blank look. "Baby, mana baby?" he panicked. Ran the other direction, and came back. No baby. Aisyah started wailing. I started shouting to everyone within earshot, "anak saya hilang!" "berapa tahun?" "2 tahun!" The boy manning the stall rushed about as well, shouting to people that a girl was missing. "Pakai baju apa?" "Skirt, baju biru, ya Allah, baby!" Then someone said, "Dia ke sana tadi!" we rushed over, and saw my darling girl crying with one good Samaritan holding her still. She must have gone that way to look for me. I hugged her tight, Alhamdulillah... I only thought the worst had happened, that I would not see her ever again... Afterwards, Ayum kept blaming himself for what happened. I told him to be more responsible in the future. A few kind strangers comforted me, I really am thankful to them.

At home, I related the event to my mom, bro, Aduk n his wife what happened, everyone was stricken, we dare not tell my dad what took place, especially since he had earlier objected to me taking them all. When I called my hubby, he was speechless.

I am glad that no harm came to her. Syukur, and I hope that nothing untoward would happen to my babies...

September 5, 2008

Chicken pox strikes!

It started with baby - she got it last Wednesday. And, yesterday, I got it myself...
Kesian dia bergaru... Even gave me a scare when she appeared to have taken a 'sip' of the pink calemine lotion... silly mummy!