July 19, 2013

After 3 years...

Hmm.... I don't think I can manage 2 blogs at one go, but I believe that I need to do it.  This will be dedicated solely to the antiques of my children.  In the space of 3 years, I am a mom again!

These are the pics of my newborn baby boy, the pride and joy of the clan:

Syukur Alhamdulillah.. Welcome to the world, Qairiel Abdul Wafiy bin Zamri...

The beautiful baby was born at 7.48 at Kamar Bersalin 1, Wad Bersalin Hospital Besar Melaka, aided by two gynaes, two medical doctors and three nurses on April 28, 2013.  He weighed a mere 2.25 kg, and was 48cm tall.  

The emotion was undescribable when the doctor thrusted him into my arms for the first time.  He whimpered faintly, and lifted his eyes briefly, but my darling bub smelled heavenly... and of course, I fell in love with him straight away!

It was quite an easy labour, but the process actually started way earlier, 4 days to be exact, when I was first asked by Dr. Ain in Klinik Simpang Empat to board the ambulance at 1.20pm as I was having contractions.  And here the baby is, 4 days later, healthy and beautiful.

Syukur Alhamdulillah atas kurnia dan anugerahMu yang tidka ternilai ini Ya Rabbi.  Moga anak ini akan menceriakan hari2 kami sebagai sebuah keluarga yang bahagia dan sentiasa mensyukuri limpahan rahmatMu Ya Allah...

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